人民日报海外版公告刊登咨询热线010-61429368.《人民日报》(海外版)是中国共产党中央委员会的机关报,创刊于1985年7月1日,是中国对外开放综合性中文日报。国内统一刊号:CN11-0066,国内代号:1-96,国外代号:D797 人民日报》(海外版)奉行的宗旨是竭诚为海内外读者服务,做读者的知心朋友。主要读者对象是海外华人、华侨、港澳台同胞、中国在各国的留学生和工作人员,关心中国情况的各国朋友以及来华旅游、探亲、学术交流、从事经贸活动的各界人士。此外,也供国内党政机关、群团组织、企事业单位、学校等人员阅读。传达中央的政策,报道改革开放和现代化建设事业,关注社会热点、难点问题,介绍国际政治、经济、科技、教育、文化,提供国内外各种信息。 公告《 人民日报海外版 》( 2024年04月02日 第 11 版) 南京市中国旅行社有限公司破产清算案件债权申报通知 (2021)苏0114破22号 南京市雨花台区人民法院根据申请人南京中港国际旅行社有限公司的申请于2021年11月18日裁定受理南京市中国旅行社有限公司破产清算一案,并指定北京天达共和(南京)律师事务所与中瑞岳华税务师事务所江苏有限公司担任管理人。关于南京市中国旅行社有限公司破产清算案件情况及债权申报资料下载,请登录全国企业破产重整案件信息网(网址:https://pccz.court.gov.cn/pcajxxw/index/xxwsy)。 南京市中国旅行社有限公司的债权人应于本通知发布之日起90日内向管理人北京天达共和(南京)律师事务所与中瑞岳华税务师事务所江苏有限公司[通信地址:江苏省南京市建邺区江东中路347号国金中心一期36层;邮政编码:210019;联系人:单律师,联系电话:+(86)13401973968]申报债权,申报方式为现场申报及邮寄申报资料申报。未在上述期限内申报债权的,可以在破产财产分配方案提交债权人会议讨论前补充申报,但对此前已进行的分配无权要求补充分配,同时要承担为审查和确认补充申报债权所产生的费用。未申报债权的,不得依照《中华人民共和国企业破产法》规定的程序行使权利。南京市中国旅行社有限公司的债务人或者财产持有人应当向南京市中国旅行社有限公司管理人清偿债务或交付财产。 关于南京市中国旅行社有限公司破产清算案件情况及债权申报资料下载,请登录全国企业破产重整案件信息网(网址:https://pccz.court.gov.cn/pcajxxw/index/xxwsy)。 特此公告。 南京市中国旅行社有限公司管理人 2024年3月26日 Bankruptcy Liquidation of Nanjing China Travel Service Co. Ltd. Notice of Claims Declaration (2021)Su 0114 Bankruptcy No. 22 The Nanjing Yuhuatai District People's Court ruled on November 18, 2021 to accept the bankruptcy liquidation case of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. based on the application of the applicant,and appointed Beijing East&Concord Partners (Nanjing) Law Firm and Zhongrui Yuehua Taxation Firm Jiangsu Co., Ltd. as the administrators.For information on the bankruptcy liquidation case of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. and information on the declaration of claims,please visit the National Information Network on Enterprise Bankruptcy and Reorganization Cases (website: https://pccz.court.gov.cn/pcajxxw/index/xxwsy). Creditors of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. shall, within 90 days from the date of publication of this notice, submit their claims to the administrators, Beijing East&Concord Partners (Nanjing) Law Firm and Zhongrui Yuehua Taxation Firm Jiangsu Co., Ltd. (Correspondence address: 36/F, One IFC, No. 347 Jiangdong Middle Road, Jianye District, Nanjing 210019, Jiangsu Province; Zip code: 210019; Contact person: Lawyer Shan, Contact phone number: +(86)13401973968) to declare the claims,and the declaration method is on-site declaration and declaration by post. Those who have not declared their claims within the above time limit may make additional declarations before the distribution plan of the bankruptcy estate is submitted to the meeting of creditors for discussion, but they are not entitled to request additional distribution for the distribution that has already been made, and at the same time, they have to bear the expenses incurred for the examination and confirmation of the additional declaration of claims. Those who have not declared their claims shall not exercise their rights in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People's Republic of China. Debtors or property holders of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. shall settle debts or deliver property to the administrators of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. For information on the bankruptcy and liquidation cases of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. and the download of declaration materials, please visit the National Information Network on Enterprise Bankruptcy and Reorganization Cases (at https://pccz.court.gov.cn/pcajxxw/index/xxwsy). It is hereby notified the above. The Administrators of Nanjing China Travel Service Co., Ltd 26th March, 2024 联系我们:010-61429368 13522481042微信